At that time, I didn't know much about Kasabian.
I just know they are the british new band and pretty hot.
My plan was to see Tricky however my companies recommended Kasabian's stage so I watched them.
At that time, it was just before the 3rd album.
They showed the new song in 3rd album in the stage.
After that stage, they issued 3rd album and that album is really awesome and great.
After they issue the 3rd album, their popularity is higher than before.
이때만해도 난 Kasabian을 잘 알지 못했다
영국에서 떠오르는 핫 한 신인밴드라는거밖에는...
원래 동시간대의 Tricky를 보러 갈까 했는데 당시 동행한 분들이 Kasabian을 강추해서 무대를 봤다
이때가 3집 발표 직전이었는데
3집에 수록 될 신곡도 무대에서 들려 주었다...
그 이후 발표한 3집은 어마무시하게 핫 하고 끝내주는 앨범이었다
3집 발표 후 카사비안의 인기는 전보다 더 엄청나게 올라갔다...