20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2010년 12월 1일 수요일

20101129 Jonsi(Sigur ros) Concert in Seoul, South Korea 2010 욘시 (시규어 로스) 내한공연

At the start of the concert, it was calm and the melody and the song were peaceful.Before I knew it, I was crying.
I could not bring up my camera. I couldn't break the dreamy atmosphere.

(At that time, some Korea celebrity was so upset because some people took out the DSLR and make a noise to took a photo.
He said it happened same in Keith Jarrett concert.)

공연 첫 시작부터 고요한 분위기에 차분한 노래와 멜로디가 나와서 나도 모르게 눈물이 남
도저히 카메라를 꺼낼수가 없더라 그 몽환적인 분위기에서

(아마 그래서 그 당시 어떤 모 연예인이 화가 많이 났던거 같다 그 와중에 DSLR 꺼내서 찰칵 소리 막 내고 찍는 사람 있었다고;;;
키스자렛 내한 때도 그랬다고 하던데)

password : feba10a3

2010년 10월 10일 일요일

2010 Seoul Soul Festival in Seoul, Korea - Jay Park

I think almost fans were Jay Park's fan.
The headliner was Musiq Soulchild, however this festival was for Jay Park fan.
박재범 팬들이 제일 많이 온 거 같았다
헤드는 Musiq Soulchild였지만 거의 박재범 팬들을 위한 페스티벌이었던듯...

2010년 8월 7일 토요일

20100807 Summer week & T in Naksan beach, Kangwondo, Korea - Jay Park

Actually, this festival promoted with Kanye West.
However Naksan is so far from Seoul and Hip Hop is not much popular in Korea, so the ticket didn't sell a lot.
So they promoted with Jay Park and many Jay Park fan bought a ticket.
They even make main poster with Kanye West and Jay Park.
원래 Kanye West가 첫 내한이라고 대대적으로 홍보를 했으나
낙산이라는 위치적인 결함과 힙합이 크게 인기 많지가 않은건지 표가 많이 안팔렸었다
그래서 추가로 공개된 라인업이 박재범...
그리고 꽤 표가 팔렸던걸로...
홍보 포스터마저 Kanye West와 박재범 이 둘로 홍보하더라...ㄷㄷㄷ

20100806 Summer week & T in Naksan beach, Kangwondo, Korea - Calvin Harris 2010썸머위크앤티 칼빈해리스

It was DJSet. It was more simple than these day's his stage.
It was after his 2nd album issue. His 2nd album was popular in UK. It isn't popular in America like these days.
His 2nd album isn't full of pop star and pop music and he is in UK chart, not in billboard.
디제이셋이었는데 지금 무대보다 더 조촐했었다
2집 발표 후였으니까...2집의 경우는 영국에서만 크게 히트 친걸루 알고 있다
지금처럼 팝으로 도배해서 미국 빌보드 점령하던 때가 아니었다

In my opinion. I like that time's Calvin Harris.
개인적으로는 난 이때의 칼빈해리스가 좋다

2010년 8월 6일 금요일

20100806 Summer week & T in Naksan beach, Kangwondo, Korea - Kanye West 2010썸머위크앤티 칸예웨스트

In 2010, Kanye had a concert in a festival, Korea. However only few people know about it.
It was Kanye's first visit to Korea however only few people try to go there because Naksan is far from Seoul and Korean avoid to go to concert when it held far from Seoul.
And Hip-Hop artist's ticketpower isn't strong in Korea.
There are still no Hip-Hop festival in Korea.

In some rumor, the promoter try to promote Jay-z however Jay-Z was dissapointed to his first concert in Korea. (There aren't many people in that concert, I heard.)
2010년에 칸예가 내한했다는 사실을 모르는 사람도 많은거 같았다
이 당시 칸예의 첫 내한임에도 불구하고 낙산이라는 위치적인 단점 때문에 사람들이 생각보다 너무 가지를 않았다
게다가 아무리 잘나가는 Hip-hop Artist라도 국내의 척박한 공연 시장에서의 티켓파워가 그렇게 세지는 않은거 같다
아직까지도 힙합 페스티벌이 없는거 보면...

들려 오는 소문에 의하면 제이지를 섭외하려 했으나 제이지는 국내 내한때 적잖게 실망해서 그런지 바로 거절했다는 얘기를 들었다

Anyway, I heard only few ticket sold and before the concert, the ticket's price was even 50000 won (almost $50).
I bought in a fixed price...
I don't know how many free ticket the promoter provided, there were many people in Kanye's stage.
I don't like Hip-Hop but I love Kanye's song. I have Kanye's some album so I was really excited because it was my first time to see Kanye.
In the stage, Kanye was the best. I don't know before and after situation.
Also I love the see and this festival held near by the beach so I love that festival but this festival doesn't hold anymore because of lackness of ticket selling.
아무튼 티켓이 너무 안팔렸다는 얘기를 들었다 하루 전날에는 티켓이 한장에 5만원에 거래된다고까지 들었다
난 정가 다 주고 샀는데 ㅜㅜ
초대권을 얼마나 많이 뿌린건지는 모르겠지만 생각보다 칸예의 공연에 사람들이 꽤 있었다
난 힙합을 안좋아해도 칸예의 몇몇 곡들은 정말 좋아하고 앨범도 몇장이나 가지고 있어서 칸예의 무대를 직접 볼 수 있어서 너무 좋았다
무대만으로 봤을때도 칸예의 무대는 최고였다 이전 상황과 이후 상황은 어땠는지는 자세히 모르겠지만...
워낙 바다를 좋아해서 바닷가에서 페스티벌을 한다는 것도 너무 좋았고...
하지만 엄청나게 저조한 티켓판매량으로 이 페스티벌은 이때 한회로 끝났다...

2010년 6월 5일 토요일

2010 Time to Rock - N.E.X.T (Shin HaeChul)

In this stage, it was the first and the last time that I see him.
Rest In Peace, Shin Haechul.
이날 본 신해철님의 모습이 내가 본 처음이자 마지막 모습이었다
고인의 명복을 빕니다

2010년 5월 22일 토요일

20100516 Football Friendly Match South Korea VS Equador 축구 국가대표 평가전 대한민국 VS 에콰도르

I can't remember that time because it was so long time ago...
Opening stage was K-pop girl group Kara...Now they are splitted...
There were Ki sung-yong and An junghwan's banners on the wall.

너무 오래전이라 결과도 기억이 안난다
오프닝 무대가 카라였다는거밖에는...
안정환, 기성용 현수막이 눈에 들어오네...

2010년 1월 4일 월요일

Andy Warhol, the greatest, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea 서울시립미술관 앤디워홀전

지도 크게 보기
2015.8.28 | 지도 크게 보기 ©  NAVER Corp.

This day Fashion Designer Lee Sangbong came to there and some kid try to get an autograph from him.
이날 디자이너 이상봉 선생님이 관람을 오셨고 한 아이가 싸인을 받으려고 카페로 왔다

I usually watched exhibition in UK so I adapted in UK's museum.
This is my first exhibition in Korea.
It isn't big exhibition so I was surprised.
They decorated the stair and wall pretty well.
처음부터 영국 가서 미술관들만 봐 오니 눈만 높아 져 버렸다
아마도 처음으로 갔던 국내 미술관인데
생각보다 규모가 그리 크지 않아서 놀랬다
그래도 이리저리 잘 꾸며는 놨던거 같았음