20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2011년 8월 28일 일요일

2011 South West Four in London, UK. Day 2 - Pendulum

At that time, there were a riot in London.
I bought a flight ticket and festival before few months.
When the travel day came close, there were a riot in London.
I really worried about that and I considered to cancel the travel.
However I decided to go, and there were no riot in London. It was almost finished.
당시 런던에 폭동이 일어났었다
몇달전 표를 다 예매 하고 여행 날짜가 다가와서 폭동 소식이 들려서 걱정 많이 했지만 막상 가니 다행히 상황이 거의 끝난뒤였다

London city festival SW4's second day's head were Pendulum.
At that time, there were some rumor about pendulum.
They will take a rest for a while after that tour.
It was true. They still don't have any liveset schedule.
It was the first and the last time to see Pendulum.
Maybe Australlia's Big day Out festival was the last stage of Pendulum's liveset.
I think that was a good choice to travel London at that time.
런던의 도심형 일렉페스티벌 SW4의 둘쨋날 헤드가 펜듈럼이었다
이 당시 소문에 의하면 펜듈럼이 이 투어를 끝으로 당분간 활동을 쉰다고 했는데...
이 때 펜듈럼이 내가 본 처음이자 마지막 라이브셋이었다...
호주 빅데이아웃이 아마 마지막 펜듈럼 무대였을거다...
큰 맘 먹고 런던 가길 잘한거 같았다

The first day of SW4's headline was Underworld, who is one of the greatest band of Electronic.
So the first day ticket of SW4 was sold out.
I didn't mind because I have two-day ticket.
In the 2nd day, there were still many people in front of Pendulum stage.
아무래도 전날 헤드가 일렉쪽 거장인 언더월드이다 보니...
하루권은 언더월드 나오는 날만 매진인거 같았다
난 이틀권이라 별 상관 없었지만...
펜듈럼 나오는 날도 사람은 꽤 많았다

I always decide to see the real Pendulum liveset.
I usually watch Pendulum liveset video on TV or Computer, so it was great to see Pendulum's real liveset.
펜듈럼 라이브셋은 한번 꼭 보겠다고 벼르고 간 페스티벌인지라...
항상 영상으로만 보던 펜듈럼을 실제로 봐서 정말 좋았음