Opening Comment
During the event
Closing Comment
The event place was too small so I hesitated to go or not.
However the place is really close to me. So I decided to go.
There were no accident or trouble in the event.
Some fan stood up on the chair so fans couldn't see eric. I think they don't need to stand on the chair because they were really close to Eric so they can see Eric easily.
And some staff(I think) took a picture in front of Eric. So they blocked fan's sight. It was really irritates fans.
I think it is fine to see Eric besides the place.
When the time goes on,there were no trouble in the event.
The Shinhwa Fandom endure the storm...I think...Everything looks calm...
장소도 협소하고 주말이라 사고라도 날까 싶어서 갈까 말까 고민했는데 그래도 가까운데 가야하지 않을까 싶어 감
다행히 별 탈 없이 행사가 잘 진행 되었다
앞자리에 있어서 굳이 의자에 올라가지 않아도 되는데 올라가서 사진 찍는 사람들 때문에 짜증났었음
그리고 초반에 직원인지 관계자인지 팬들 안보이게 대놓고 행사장 안에 서서 찍어대는 사람들도 짜증났음
옆에서 보는게 명당이었다
후반부로 가면 갈수록 싸인회는 별 탈 없이 진행되었다
팬덤이 한바탕 폭풍이 지나간 느낌인데 뭔가 그냥...모든게 다 차분해진 기분이랄까
password : marte17