20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2011년 7월 29일 금요일

20110729 Jisan Valley Rock Festival, Ichon, Kyunggido, Korea - The Chemical Brothers 2011 지산밸리락페스티벌 케미컬브라더스

I was little shy to upload this because of low quality.
In this tour, they made a live video 'Don't think' with high quality video.
(That video was taken in Fuji Rock. If they took a video in another festival, I would buy this DVD.)
영상이나 사진을 올리기도 참 민망한게
이때 투어는 라이브 비디오 Don't think 로 발매가 되었다
(Fuji Rock 이 아닌 다른 페스티벌이었다면 바로 샀을텐데 아쉽다 ㅜㅜ)

In my opinion, this tour was the best of Chemical Brother's tour history.
I really expect this weekend's (in 2015) Chemical Brothers stage in Ansan. Maybe they won't disappointed me.
내 개인적인 생각으로는 이때의 케미컬 투어가 역대 최고의 투어라 생각하는지라
사실 올해(2015년) 이번 주말에 있을 케미컬의 무대가 과연 어떨지 궁금하다 실망하지는 않겠지...

I was really hard to see this stage.
At that time, my job ordered me to came to the office at midnight and I couldn't see whole stage and I spent to go back to the office almost 100,000won (almost US $100) to the taxi fee.
The reason why I spent a lot of money is...I saw the video about The Chemical Brothers in Glastonbury 2011. It was so fantastic. So I decided to see this stage in live.
이때 정말 어렵게 이 공연을 봤었다
당시 다녔던 회사가 밤에 출근해서 밤새 작업하기를 원했고 결국 이 공연을 다 보지도 못하고 택시비를 거의 10만원 넘게 들여서 다시 출근했었다;;;
글라스톤배리 케미컬 공연 실황을 보고 이 공연은 꼭 봐야 된다는 생각이 들어 이런 무리수를 감행했었다

I heard Chemical Brothers new album yesterday, actually, it is little boring than their ex-album 'Further'.
어제 앨범 신보를 다 들어봤는데 솔직히...전작 Further 앨범보다는 지루한 느낌이다 ㅜㅜ

Today Chemical Brothers stage's artwork photo uploaded by the staff. They will show another fantastic stage in different from this tour.
오늘 트위터에 아트웍 이미지들이 몇개 올라 왔던데 이때와는 다른 또 다른 케미컬의 환상적인 무대를 보여줄 거 같아서 아주 기대가 된다

2011년 7월 8일 금요일

2011 G-market Concert GD & TOP

I bought a air conditioner on G-market homepage and they give me a VIP ticket.
지마켓에서 에어콘을 샀는데 VIP 콘서트 티켓을 주더라.

2011 G-market concert 2pm

I bought a air conditioner on G-market homepage and they give me a VIP ticket.
지마켓에서 에어콘을 샀는데 VIP 콘서트 티켓을 주더라.

2011 G-market Concert TVXQ

I bought a air conditioner on G-market homepage and they give me a VIP ticket.
지마켓에서 에어콘을 샀는데 VIP 콘서트 티켓을 주더라.