I don't like Musical so I rarely watched Musical. Because of Kim Dongwan, I already saw 2 times!
At the start of the musical, Dongwan's voice isn't ready. Little bit nervous...However after the middle of the Musical, it goes smoothly.
The actor who roles minister was really impressive. He was really great.
The story of the lonely artist's life makes me always sad.T_T
뮤지컬이란 장르는 나와 잘 맞지 않아 거의 안보는데 신화 덕분에 2편이나 보게 되었다 ㅎㅎㅎ
김동완은 초반에 목이 덜 풀린거 같았지만 가면 갈수록 안정되는 것 같았음
목사 역 하신 분 상당히 인상깊었고 멋졌다
외로운 예술가들의 삶에 대한 얘기들은 나를 항상 슬프게 만든다 ㅠㅠ
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