20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2016년 10월 31일 월요일

20161028 Knife Party in Club Flux, Busan, South Korea 나이프파티 부산 클럽 플럭스 공연

I really love Knife Party song. So I always try to go to Knife party's all stages.
I really hate UMF Korea so I didn't go there.
Busan is far from Seoul however it isn't a foriegn country's city so I booked the train and guesthouse.
I worried if Rob Swire cancelled the show again.
When I waited in front of the gate of the club, I couldn't hear any news about the cancellation about the show.
When I entered the club, I couldn't hear any news about the cancellation about the show.
I waited for the Knife Party show, some people talked about the cancelation.
They talked about the cancellation of Rob Swire.
I thought it was a Joke.
Someone showed me a notice about Rob Swire's absence.
I was so taken aback that I had to ask again.
It was true.
I laughed because I was dumbfounded.
Rob Swire cancelled the show again!!! How many times he cancelled the show in Korea?
Before I traveled to Busan, I talked about the Rob Swire's cancellation.
And it becomes the reallity.

Gareth carry whole of the show.
Knife party's song is always amazing so the show was great and I was crazy. (When I heard my favorite song 'Begin Again, I was really really crazy.)
If Knife party will come to Korea again, maybe I will think Rob Swire may not come to Korea.

In the encore, when I heard Ghosts N Stuff, it was ironic.

After the show, I got an autograph of Gareth.

If Knife party come to Korea again, maybe I will go again. I think I am stupid.

워낙 나이프파티 노래를 좋아해서 웬만하면 나이프파티 내한은 다 갈려고 한다
UMF Korea는 내가 워낙 싫어하니까 안간거고...
부산이 서울에서 아주 멀지만 해외가 아닌게 어디냐고 생각하며 차편과 숙소까지 다 예약했다
출발전 계속 걱정했다 이번에도 통수 치는거 아닌가 해서
클럽 앞에서 기다릴때까지도 별 소리 없었다
클럽 문 열자마자 들어가서 음악 들을때까지도 별 소리 없었다
기다리고 있는데 옆에서 취소라는 소리가 들렸다
롭스와이어 또 안온다는 얘기가 들렸는데 난 장난인줄 알았다
근데 누가 공지 뜬 걸 보여줬다
진짜 또 롭스와이어가 안왔다
너무 어이가 없어서 웃음밖에 안나왔다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
부산 가기 전에 또 통수 맞는거 아니냐고 장난으로 말한게 현실이 되었다

가레스 혼자 와서 하드캐리 하고 갔다 ㅠㅠ
나이프파티 노래야 워낙 쩌니까 공연 보는동안은 미친듯 신나게 놀았지만 (특히 내가 제일 좋아하는 Begin Again 나왔을땐 정신 놓음 ㅋㅋㅋ)
이젠 나이프파티 내한한다면 롭스와이어는 안오겠거니 하고 생각해야겠다 -_-

마지막 앵콜때 Ghosts N Stuff 틀어주는데 롭스와이어 목소리 들리니 참 기분 아이러니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

공연 끝나고 가레스 싸인까지 받음 ㅎㅎㅎ

이렇게 매번 통수 맞고도 만약 나이프파티 또 오면 난 갈듯...난 호구인듯

password: robswire3

2016년 10월 26일 수요일

2016 SM Spectrum Festival SM 스펙트럼 페스티벌 후기

??? VIP석 뭥미?

칭찬할건 해야 할 듯

무대와 조명이 정말 화려하고 규모가 컸음 무대만 보면 투모로우랜드 저리가라 할 정도임
스텝들 진행도 매끄럽고 별 문제 없었음
사실 아이돌 공연만 주로 하는 기획사라 페스티벌도 아이돌 팬들 다루듯이 마구잡이로 다룰까봐 걱정했는데 오히려 다른 페스티벌에 비해 아주 깔끔히 잘 진행했음
시설들도 깔끔함
셔틀버스도 하나도 기다리지도 않았고 제때제때 바로 버스들이 와서 편하게 귀가 할 수 있었음
셔틀버스 운영은 몇년을 해 온 다른 페스티벌들 보다 훨씬 운영이 좋았음

서브스테이지랑 메인스테이지 거리가 너무 멀어서 짜증남 여기가 무슨 대형 페스티벌도 아니고
남들이 보면 다른 페스티벌 2개가 진행 되는줄 알듯

술 부스는 많은데 식사할 부스가 별로 없었음

SM 아티스트들 무대라고 꾸민건 일렉 페스티벌과 분위기랑 별로 안어울렸음
일부 무대는 짜증나게까지 만듬 어설프게 반항적인 척 안했으면 그래봤자 마무리는 SM 이사님에게 딸랑딸랑 모드면서
무슨 나이프파티 SHM 게타 헌정 무대냐

라인업이 엄청나게 많지만 강한 한방이 없었음

무엇보다 아이돌만 주로 키운 기획사가 갑자기 일렉 페스티벌을 개최하는게 어쨌던 아이돌을 거기 끼울 생각은 분명히 있다는거니까
난 그게 정말 싫음 적어도 페스티벌에서는 아이돌 좀 안봤으면 하는데 지금 국내 시장이 아이돌만으로 가득차서 질려 있는 마당에 페스티벌에서까지?
실제로 SM 아티스트 콜라보 무대랍시고 아이돌들 대거 출현 아이돌과 콜라보 한 상품 대거 판매

글래스톤배리에 팝 아티스트나 랩퍼들 나오는거도 싫어하는 나인데 이런 분위기를 좋아할까

내가 Kaskade를 그렇게 좋아하는데도 끝까지 표 안사고 안갈려 했던거도 그런 이유였는데
좋은 기회가 생겨 초대권을 받아 생각치도 못하게 페스티벌을 가게 됨

공짜라 재밌게 놀았지만
과연 다음에도 이 페스티벌을 한다면 표를 사서 갈까?

요즘 일렉 시장 분위기나 일렉 페스티벌 분위기 그리고 클럽 양아치들때문에 회의감이 느껴지는 판에 SM 페스티벌을 굳이 돈 주고 갈 일은 없을거 같다
초대형 미친 헤드라이너가 뜨지 않는 이상
다른 페스티벌 많은데 굳이 SM페스티벌을 왜 가

I don't like SM Ent however I will praise because they manage their festival pretty well.

The stage and the lights were really amazing.
It is like Belgium's Tomorrowland festival.
The staff were very kind and they work well.
I worried because SM always dealed with Boyband fan. Sometimes they were really arrogant for the fan. There were no situation like that.
The facillity was clean.
The shuttle bus always come and go on time so I was really comfortable to go to the festival.

The substage and mainstage's distance were so far. I was really tired to move between that stages.
If someone saw this situation, maybe he or she thought it was different festival.

There were so many alchol booths. However there were few food trucks.

SM artist's stage were not familiar with electronic festival.
Some stage's were really irretating.

The line up were fill with many artist however there were no strong things.

Most of all, I don't prefer this festival because SM is Boyband,Idol Entertainment company so maybe they will make a line up with their Idol.
Actually they made SM stage with many Idol member in the substage.

I don't like Glasonbury's Hip hop or Pop artist's line up so I don't prefer this festival's atmosphere.

I really love Kaskade's music so I want to see his stage however I didn't buy the ticket because of that many reason.
Some really kind girl gives me a free ticket. I was so lucky.

It was fun because it was free.
If I bought the ticket, how do I feel?

I am sick of the elecronic market and music's recent atmosphere, club gangs.
Maybe I won't buy SM festival ticket unless they fill the line up with the big big electronic artist.
There are many festivals which I can go.