20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2022년 9월 12일 월요일

Fred again..REPERCUSSION,The Warehouse Project 프레드 어게인 더 웨어하우스 프로젝트 맨체스터 20220910

A lot of football matches were canceled because of the Queen's death

I had already arrived in Manchester

My original plan was to watch Manchester City: Tottenham match and went to the festval

I had no choice because the game was canceled so I tried to buy ticket

At first, I was so tired and out of my mind

(The festival runs until 4 a.m. and the entrance time was until 6 p.m.)

I was thinking about going home after a while

But I decided to stay at the festival,It was long trip to get here!

I was so so tired

I went to see Jamie XX, but the time table that I checked at the site showed Jamie XX at 1:30 a.m...

I had to stand and wait until then

I don't listen to music these days, so I don't know any artists

I was walking around half-asleep

Was it around 10 o'clock?

People gathered on the main stage

It looked so dangerous, so I moved to the second floor and watched the performance

That's Fred again..

He was such a hot artist that gathers a lot of people

But as I watched it, I couldn't forget the music

I came back to London and went to the Swedish House Mafia concert

It's an unforgettable melody that I've heard before

I couldn't forget it even when I came to Korea, so I googled the lyrics and found it

Turn of the lights again..

I haven't been listening to music and there was no artist that I liked

I found an artist of my taste for the first time in a while at a festival I went to because of the Queen's death

여왕의 갑작스런 죽음으로 인해 축구 경기들이 많이 취소 되었고

난 이미 맨체스터에 도착했었다

원래 계획은 맨시티:토트넘 보고 이 페스티벌 볼수 있으면 보고 안되면 말고였는데

경기 취소 되어서 선택권이 없었다

첨엔 너무 피곤하고 멘탈 나가서

(이 페스티벌 새벽4시까지 하는데 입장시간이 6시까지였다)

그냥 조금 보다 집에 갈까 하다가

아니 여기까지 왔는데 그냥 갈 순 없어 하고 오기로 버텼다

피곤해서 너무 힘들었다

Jamie XX 보러 간건데 현장에서 확인한 타임테이블에는 Jamie XX 새벽 1시반...

그때까지 서서 기다려야 할 상황이었다 ㅠㅠ

요즘 음악도 거의 안듣다보니 아는 아티스트도 없고

거의 반쯤 멘탈 나간채 서 있다 돌아다니다 하는데

갑자기 10시쯤이었나?

메인 스테이지에 무섭게 사람이 모여들었다

너무 위험해 보여서 2층으로 자리 옮겨서 공연 보는데

그게 Fred again.. 공연이었다

사람들이 엄청나게 모일정도로 핫 한 아티스트였다

근데 나도 보다보니까 음악이 잊혀지지 않았다

런던 돌아와서 Swedish House Mafia 공연 갔는데

어디서 많이 들어본 잊혀 지지 않던 멜로디가 나왔다

한국 와서도 못잊어서 대충 들린 가사로 구글링해서 찾은 노래가

Turn of the lights again 이거였다

요즘 거의 음악도 안듣고 내 취향의 아티스트가 없었는데

여왕의 죽음으로 인해 간 페스티벌에서 간만에 내 취향의 아티스트를 하나 발견했다