On a day of Christmas holiday, even it was snowy, I went to an exhibition of Tim Burton.
It was at the end of the year, so many people was there even it was snowy. I have waited few minutes.
크리스마스 연휴의 어느날 눈이 쏟아짐에도 불구하고 전시회를 보러 감
날씨가 엉망이었어도 연말이랍시고 사람이 꽤 많아서 기다렸다 입장함
I didn't know he directed 'The Killers' MV. I didn't know there were Devon Aoki in MV.
Stainboy was grotesque but touched.
His alienated stuff's story touched me.
팀버튼이 킬러스 뮤비 감독 했는지 몰랐다 데본아오키가 나오는지도 몰랐다
스테인보이는 기괴하면서도 감동적인 영상이었다
소외된 것들의 이야기들이 심금을 울렸다