During the concert, the people couldn't make a sound because the atmosphere was calm and solemn.
The people didn't talk anything and concentrated on the concert.
It was overwhelming.
In the first concert in Korea, the atmosphere was like in the fantasy. This concert was solemn.
I really wanted to hear many famous song, however this setlist was different from previous.
In the previous concert, the stage was full of many sessions. This time only band member play the song.
It is really friendly with cold winter.
I saw Sigur ros in the German festival. It was reaaly impressive so I really hope to see in Jisan Valley Rock Festival from Korea.
However they went to Australia festival. I was dissapointed.
It was really good because I can see Sigur ros in the concert.
공연 내내 큰 소리를 낼 수 없을 정도로 뭔가 엄숙하고 장엄한 분위기였다
관객들은 정말 숨을 죽인채 몰두해서 다들 공연을 보는 듯 했다
그만큼 압도적이었다
첫 내한때는 뭔가 환상적인 느낌이 있었다면 이번 공연은 엄숙한 느낌이랄까...
친숙한 노래들이 셋리스트에서 빠진게 좀 아쉽긴 했다
전의 공연에서는 많은 세션들이 함께 했던것 같았는데 이번에는 밴드 멤버들만이 전 무대를 꾸몄다
추운 겨울과 너무나 잘 어울리는 공연이었다 ㅠㅠ
독일의 페스티벌에서 본 Sigur ros 공연이 너무나 인상깊어서 지산에 제발 오길 바랬는데 호주로 가서 참 아쉬웠는데
이렇게 내한공연이 있어서 너무 좋았다