I saw her Coachella stage online in realtime, I thought that stage was so great so I must see this stage.
In Coachella, dancers performed in a red box, however there were no box and dancers in Jisan stage.
On the first day, that stage was the best.
I really falled in love with Coachella Lorde setlist, and she performed as same in Jisan. It was so great.
코첼라 실시간 중계로 로드 무대를 봤는데 너무 멋있어서 꼭 봐야 되겠다고 생각함
코첼라에선 댄서들이 어떤 박스 안에서 퍼포먼스를 보여 줬었는데 지산에는 안옴
첫째날 공연 중 제일 좋았던 공연이었다
코첼라 생중계로 완전히 반했던 셋리스트가 그대로 왔고 역시나 멋졌다
password : sdfgs
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