20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2011년 9월 25일 일요일

2011 Rain Concert in Seoul, Korea

Mnet gives us a free concert ticket so I went to the concert.
I think that concert was the last concert before he went to the National army.
엠넷에서 초대권이 나와서 콘서트를 보러갔었음
아마 이 공연이 비 군대가기전 마지막 콘서트였을거다...

2011년 9월 10일 토요일

20110908 Linkin Park Live in Seoul, South Korea 린킨파크 내한 공연

I wrote this article on 2017.7.21.
I was shocked by the news of Chester Bennington's death.
So I wrote this urgently.

Linkin Park's 1st Album is my best album.
Hybrid Theory and Reanimation is my favorite album.
After that album, I couldn't adapt their new style.

Maybe it is too late to talk about it.

When they issued the 3rd album and came to Seoul, I didn't go to the concert.

Why I went to 4th album concert?
Because I missed their old song too much so I really wanna listen that.

Now I think about that time, it is so sad to me.

지금 이 글을 쓰는건 2017년 7월 21일
체스터 베닝턴의 충격적인 죽음 소식 때문에 급히 묵혀 있던 후기들과 사진을 꺼낸다 ㅠㅠ

이제 와서 말하면 뭐하겠냐마는

1집은 내 인생 최고의 명반에 손 꼽는 앨범이다
Hybrid Theory와 Reanimation은 정말 좋아하는 앨범인데
그 이후 변화들에 난 적응 하지 못했던거 같다 첫 앨범을 너무 좋아하다 보니

3집때 내한 왔었을땐 그 변화에 적응 하지 못하고 티켓을 팔았던거 같다 ㅠㅠ

4집때의 내한에는 왜 갔었을까...
그래도 그 당시의 노래들이 너무 그리웠었다 노래들을 너무 좋아해서 듣고 싶었었다

지금 생각해 보니 너무 슬프다

password : missitplz1

2011년 9월 6일 화요일

Emirates Stadium, London, UK 에미레이츠 스타디움

At that time, Fabregas went to Barcelona.
Now he is in Chelsea...;;;
파브레가스는 이때 바르샤 간 후...
지금은 첼시에 있는 ㅎㅎㅎ;;;

After I visited here, Korean Player Park Choo-young went to Arsenal.
At that time, Arsenal was in the Manchester and they lost lots of goals.
I heard it is the hardest to watch Arsenal match.
It is hard to get Emirates ticket and I experienced after I visited London again.
I couldn't find any Emirates ticket!
이때 여기 다녀 온 며칠 후 박주영 아스날 행 기사 뜸...
이날 아스날은 맨유 원정 가서 흠씬 두들겨 맞는 중이었음...대패...
런던에서 아스날 경기 보는게 제일 힘들다고 함
에미레이츠 홈 경기 티켓 구하는게 젤 힘들다고 하던데 나중에 런던 와서 정말 실감함
에미레이츠 홈 경기 티켓을 구할 수가 없더라;;;

2011년 9월 4일 일요일

2011 South West Four, London, UK 영국 런던 일렉 페스티벌 SW4

I took off in the Clapham Common station.
Clapham Common 역에 내려서

I followed to many people's way.
많은 사람들이 가는 곳으로 따라감

On the way, someone gives me a free Coke.
The coke's bottle is so beautiful.
가는 길에 받은 공짜 콜라
콜라 병이 이렇게 이뻐도 되는거임? ㅎㅎㅎ

There were beautiful lake on the way.
가는 길에 예쁜 호수도 있고

I was surprised because they sold the time table.
In Korea, they gives time table for free.
Because there were so many people in foriegn festival, they can sell this.
처음으로 간 해외 페스티벌에서 놀랜건
타임테이블을 비싼 가격에 팔고 있어서였다
이게 다 많은 사람들이 페스티벌에 오니까 되는 일

It was on a day, still the waiting-line of the people was so long.
헤드라이너 시간이 많이 남은 낮 시간임에도 불구하고 입장 줄이 정말 길었다

It was full of muds.
However I moved to inside of the festival, there were few muds on the floor.
I have no problem with my sneakers.
I can't compare with this(in 2015) year's Ansan Rock Festival
입구 바닥이 전날 비로 인해 진흙탕이었으나
페스티벌 장소 안쪽은 진흙탕이 거의 없었음
운동화를 신고 다니기에 큰 무리는 없었다
올해 안산 정도는 아니었음

In this stage, Mat Zo and Above and Beyond, who will appear in GGK2015, was the headliner but I just waited Underworld in the main stage.
올해(2015년) 글개에 등판하는 맛조와 어보비가 여기 메인이었지만 난 언더월드만 줄창 기다림...

Someone massages the people. Maybe it was charged.
안마 해주는 언니들도 있었음...아마도 유료겠지?

When I arrived there, it was sunny however few minutes later, it was raining and there were rainbows in the sky.
도착했을때만 해도 햇볕이 쨍쨍했으나 비가 한바탕 쏟아지고 무지개 등장...

I saw fantastic Underworld's stage in an unpredictable weather on the 1st day.
변덕스러운 날씨와 함께 끝내주는 언더월드 공연을 보고 첫날은 마무리

On the 2nd day, I arrived headliner's time table because it was hard to wait for the headliner on the 1st day.
There were only few people in front of the gate.
I hears the 1st day ticket was sold out and the 2nd day ticket was remained.
둘쨋날은 전날 너무 일찍 도착해서 기다리기 힘들어서 펜듈럼 시작 시간 거의 맞춰 도착함...
너무 늦게 간건지 가는 길에 사람이 거의 없었다
아무리 첫째날 티켓 매진에 둘째날 티켓은 남아있었다지만...

They fill the straw on the mud. Great!
전날 진흙밭을 바로 볏짚으로 메꿔 놓았다 캬

Last.fm was there at that time. These days it is too slow!
I wish I would see Modeselektor sometimes.
라펨은 이때도 있었구나...근데 왜 이렇게 버벅대니...
모드셀렉터 공연은 한번은 보고 싶었는데;;;

In addition to the stage, there were many amusement rides.
공연장 외에도 여러가지 놀이기구들이 있었음

It isn't a huge festival in UK, however it was full of useful facilities.
영국 페스티벌 치고는 그렇게 크지 않은 규모지만 쏠쏠히 있을건 다 있었다

Compare to Korea's some festival, there were ATM machine!!!
국내 모 페스티벌처럼 ATM 기가 없지 않다 여긴

There were disabled viewing platform for disabled people.
장애인들이 올라와서 볼 수 있는 장애인 구역도 따로 있다

I only ate this stuff in the festival.
It was the chicket, tomatoes, cucumber and maybe Ricota chesse. And they fried all of these. It was really delicious.
When I ate it, some girls tried to throw up.
I moved to another place...;;;
There were no benches or chairs.
We must eat on the ground or standing.
Is Ansan copied these habit in the foreign festival? It is hard to adapt in Korea. There weren't so many people compare to UK festival. The Korean people don't endure uncomfortable things.
유일하게 페스티벌에서 먹은거
뼈없는 닭에 토마토, 오이 그리고 리코타 치즈였던가? 아무튼 그렇게 같이 볶은건데 완전 맛있었음
근데 먹고 있는데 근처에 어떤 언니가 술을 많이 마셨는지 구역질을 해대서;;;
자리 옮겨서 먹음 ㅠㅠ
앉아서 먹을수 있는 벤치나 의자 같은거 하나도 없음
무조건 서서 먹거나 바닥에 주저 앉아 먹어야 됨
이걸 올해(2015년) 안산이 의도 한건가? 그러기엔 한국 페스티벌엔 사람들이 넘쳐나지 않음...사람이 많이 와야 불편해도 감수할텐데...

For the safety, all of beer bottle is PVC.
사고 방지를 위해 모든 맥주는 비닐병

They allowed to bring the can.
근데 캔도 반입이 되네?

I can't take like this! It looks so scared!
아니 이런 무서운걸 어떻게 타지 ㅠㅠ

On the way after the headliner's stage...
끝나고 나오는길...

Maybe it was my first festival in foreign country.
The headliner was Underworld and Pendulum. Both of them were my favorite artist.
So I reserved the flight ticket and the festival ticket.
At that time, there were riots in London, so I worried about the situation.
(The Clapham Common is the riot area.)
When I arrived London, there were no riot in London. I was so lucky.
It isn't a huge festival compare to other UK's festival. However there were so many people in there.
I am jealous about UK music's popularity.
The festival was held in the city, so they must turn off all the music and the lights on 9 PM.
These days, it is hard to find line-up which I really like. This festival's headliners were my favorite bands so I really enjoyed there.
아마 이 페스티벌이 해외에서 처음으로 본 페스티벌일거다
언더월드랑 펜듈럼이 양일 헤드였는데 두 밴드 다 내가 너무 좋아하는 밴드라 휴식이 필요 했던 난 비행기 표와 티켓을 예매했다
당시 런던에 폭동이 일어나서 예약을 다 해놔 취소도 할 수 없어서 많이 걱정했는데
(하필 이 페스티벌 열리는 장소가 폭동 터졌던 장소였다)
다행히 내가 런던 갔을때 폭동은 다 진압된 뒤라 아주 평화로웠다
다른 영국 페스티벌에 비해 크지 않은 규모임에도 불구하고 엄청나게 많은 사람들이 왔던거에 놀랬다
어마어마한 음악의 인기가 부러운 나라 영국
도심에서 하는 페스티벌이라 아홉시에 얄짤 없이 모든 공연을 다 마친뒤 음악과 불을 다 꺼버리고 모든 관객들이 퇴장하도록 유도한다
양일 헤드가 이렇게 맘에 쏙 들었던 페스티벌은 거의 없었는데 양일 다 너무 재밌게 놀았던 페스티벌