20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2016년 3월 28일 월요일

20160327 Shinhwa's 18th Anniversary concert HERO 신화 18주년 콘서트 HERO

내가 사고 싶었던 굿즈 다 품절되서 하나도 못삼 ㅠㅠ
The merchandise that I want was almost sold out so I didn't buy anything.

These days I don't have enough money so I consider to go to Shinhwa concert.
I try to reserve the ticket for only fanclub and I reserve very good seat.
However I still considered to go to Shinhwa concert because of the money.
After this concert, I might wait for a long time to see Shinhwa's activity so I went to the concert.
If I refund the ticket, I really really regret for my act. It was fun!
금전 사정이 너무 안좋아서 이번 신화 콘서트를 가야 하나 말아야 하나 고민을 함
그러다 선예매 참여했고 얼떨결에 너무 좋은 자리를 예매해 버림
그래도 금전 사정때문에 이 표 어떻게 해야 하나 고민을 하다 당분간 신화 단체 활동이 없을 분위기라 꼭 콘서트 가야 할거 같아서 옴
근데 표 환불 했음 큰일날뻔 했네...진짜 재밌었다

무대 셋팅이나 조명이 난 상당히 맘에 듬
UMF나 Sensation같은 화려한 조명과 화면의 일렉 공연을 워낙 좋아하기 때문에
특히 천장쪽의 그 셋트가 움직이면서 신기한 화면 만드는게 맘에 들었음
중간에 그 셋트때문에 자막이 좀 깨져서 안보이는게 있었지만 뭐 나름대로 괜찮았음
The days였나 발라드 뭐 부를때 배경화면이 꼭 Tiesto 앨범자켓을 떠오르게 함 화면 예뻤다
(설마 이것도 어디 해외 공연에서 차용해 온거 아니겠지;;; 워낙 괜찮다 싶음 꼭 해외 어디서 똑같이 갖구 오길래)
I really like this concert's stage set and the lights.
I love electronic music stage such as UMF or Sensation. This stage reminds me like that.
Especially the set in the ceiling looks very unique. It moves up and down and makes some special screen.
Sometimes that makes a broken subtitle, however it was pretty good.
When Shinhwa sang The days, the screen reminds me Tiesto's album jacket. The screen was beautiful.
(I am not sure it borrows foreign artist's concert because many Korea company did like that)

Give it 2 me 팬들이 무지 좋아하는 노래인데 나는 개인적으로 노래 스타일은 내 취향이 아님
근데 안무를 살짝 더해서 한 무대는 정말 좋았음 가벼운 안무가 딱 좋음
늘내가원하는것은 부를때 앤디어빠 노래할때 으앙...미치는줄 알았음 꺄악
Actually, Give it 2 me is not my type of the song. I heard many fans love this song.
However this concert's stage was good. I love light choreography like that.
When Andy sang '늘내가원하는것은', it make me crazy OMG!

VCR은 재밌었는데 Hero랑 연관성은 아무리 생각해도 없어 보임 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
VCR 보고...신화 재밌는 예능 했으면 좋겠다 하는 생각 계속 듬
VCR was pretty good, however I don't know this movies' relation with the Hero.
After I saw the VCR, I wish Shinhwa do their own entertainment show again.

신화는 첫 공연 끝나고 피드백을 항상 한다
신화 갤러리에서 나온 웬만한 피드백들이 다 해결되어 있었다
심한 사진 고나리도 사라졌고 동선도 해결되었고 멘트도 훨씬 더 재밌어졌다 첫공연만 간 사람들이 불만이 터질만큼
이럴때마다 신화한테 정말 감사한다 이렇게 팬들 목소리에 귀 귀울이고 신경쓰는 아티스트가 어딨을까
Shinhwa always give feedbacks after the first concert.
They solve the problem in Shinhwa Gallery's article.
The staff didn't restrict hard about the camera, they rearranged Shinhwa's way and Shinhwa talked a lot more than the first concert.
They give a feedback so some people told the dissatisfaction.
I always appreciate about Shinhwa's feedback. They always care fan's demand and try to fan's request.

멘트중 주경기장 콘서트 얘기와 선배 워뤤쥐 프린세스(;;;)로써 영업 하라는 얘기가 있었는데
조심히 얘기하자면
팬들 영업도 중요하지만 신화의 활동이 더 활발해지는거도 중요하단 생각이 든다
물론 신화가 지금 각자 열심히 활동하고 있는거 알지만
신화 단체 활동의 파급력이 개개인 파급력보다 훨씬 센거는 다들 알거다
요즘 단체 떡밥이 없으니 팬덤도 조용하단 생각도 들고
매주 신화방송 하나만 해도 팬덤이 항상 들썩였으니 ㄷㄷㄷ
꼭 방송가랑 연계했음 좋겠다는건 아니고
자체적으로 컨텐츠를 만들던 아무튼 신화의 단체 떡밥이 많아야 새 팬들도 늘어날 거라는 생각이 든다
In Shinhwa's comment, they mentioned about the Stadium's concert and making the new fan.
In my humble opinion, if Shinhwa want that, Shinhwa will have more activity than before. I think it is more important than to gather a new fan.
I know each member work a lot, however Shinhwa group have more power than each members.
For example, when Shinhwa did Shinhwa Broadcasting in every weeks, so many fans went crazy about that.
It isn't mean Shinhwa must connect with the main Broadcasting.
I just want Shinhwa group's many contents. They can have more time with Shinhwa and make some contents by themselves.

첫곡이 Endless love였는데 분위기가 새롭고 신선했음
근데 첫곡 하기 전에 VCR 튼게 분위기가 안맞음
VCR은 전체적으로 웃긴 분위기였고 그걸 첨에 틀어버려서 다들 막 웃고 있는데
Endless love 나오니 분위기가 뭔가 안맞았음
VCR 안틀고 바로 첫곡 시작했으면 그 곡 특유의 우울하면서도 섹시한 분위기가 쭉 갔을텐데
전에도 웃긴 VCR 틀고 다음 곡 Hurts여서 분위기가 언발란스한적 있던거 같은데
The first song was 'Endless love'. It was new and fresh.
However, before the first song, the VCR make people humorous.
So the atmosphere was little weird.
I think it could be better if VCR might be shown after the first song.
If they showed VCR after the first song, the gloomy and sexy atmosphere would be continued.
I don't know exactly when it was, they showed humorous VCR and they sang 'Hurts'.
The atmosphere was weird, too.

나중에 알게 된건데 VCR을 이상하게 순서를 틀었다고 한다
난 둘째날 콘서트만 가서 몰랐는데 첫째날에만 튼 VCR이 있지를 않나
VCR이 이번 콘서트에 찬물을 끼얹은듯...아쉽다
After I wrote this content,I knew that they showed VCR with the wrong order.
I didn't know there were another VCR in the first concert so I didn't see that.
I think VCR ruins this concert. I was disappointed about that.