20160524 M83 Live in Seoul, South Korea

Another amazing concert was held in South Korea. It was the first time to visit in South Korea. And the concert was so amazing.

Blur 21:The Exhibition, Londonewcastle Project Space, London

During London Olympic period, Blur celebrated their 21st anniversary with many stuffs. They issued the box set, and they toured in small cities and Hyde park. And they had a small exhibition in London.

20120925 Bundesliga Bayern Munich vs VfL Wolfsburg in Allianz Arena, Munich, Germany

Too much beers, the world's one of the bigest festivals, and Bayern Munich is still strong. The Munich fans don't care about the festival's hot atmosphere. What was the match's result?

20160108 Hyundai Card 5 nights day 1 - Zedd, Ax Hall,Seoul,Korea

2016's starting show is Zedd. Because of Korea people's hot reaction, maybe he will never forget the atmosphere in Korea. What about this year's stage? Is it still hot?

20161115 2018 FIFA Russia world cup asian qualifying Korea VS Uzbekistan,Seoul WorldCup Stadium,South Korea

If Korea team lose this match, maybe we can't see Korea National Football Team in Russia Worldcup. What was the result? Do Korea beat Uzbekistan easily?

2015년 7월 29일 수요일

20150725 Ansan Valley Rock Festival in Ansan,Korea Day 2 The Chemical Brothers 2015안산밸리락페스티벌 둘째날 케미컬브라더스

They used some old videos.
Their stage's light and laser was always splendorous so I predict some stages.

I heard some rumor that they will have a tour with only one member.
I can't see how many people play the show because it was too far from the stage.

The stage isn't like 'Don't think' tour's fantasy.
Because of the recent album's bass and minimal sound, the melancholy atmosphere is based on the stage, I think.

예전 영상들 재탕들이 좀 있었음...
빛과 레이저 화려한건 항상 그래 왔기 때문에 예상하고 보기 시작했음...

투어를 한명이서만 한다는 얘기가 있었는데 너무 멀어서 둘인지 한명인지 확인 못함

Don't think 투어때의 환상적인 느낌은 아니었고...
아무래도 이번 앨범은 베이스 사운드라고 해야 하나? 좀 미니멀적인 느낌이 강하다 보니 이번 무대도 좀 그런 우울함이 기반으로 깔린 느낌이었음

2015년 7월 28일 화요일

20150724 Ansan Valley Rock Festival in Ansan,Korea Day 1 Noel Gallagher 2015안산밸리락페스티벌 첫째날 노엘갤러거

It was this year's 2nd visit in Korea.
The setlist was little different from the concert.
I think he is really popular among the woman in Korea.
At that time, many girls were in front of the stage.
올해 두번째 내한인 노엘갤러거
내한 공연때랑 셋리스트가 조금 바뀐 듯 했다
한국에서만 유난히 여자 팬이 많은 듯...이 날도 역시 많은 여자 팬들이 앞자리를 차지했다 ㅎㅎㅎ

When I saw Noel's stage, I really really think...The main stage and the sub stage is too close.
I don't know why the festival orginizer make the location like that.
When Noel start to sing 'Don't look back in anger', we heard sub stage's sound check noise.
It was really annoying.
Noel said, 'It was one last fucking song!'
노엘 갤러거 공연 보면서 톡톡히 느꼈다
서브스테이지랑 메인스테이지 위치가 너무 가깝다
스테이지 위치들이 왜 그모양인지 모르겠다
마지막곡 Don't look back in anger 부르기 전에 옆 스테이지 사운드체크 소리 들려서 참 민망했다
원 라스트 풔킹 송 이라는 말 나오게 하고...;;;

20150726 Ansan Valley Rock Festival in Ansan,Korea Day 3 Foo Fighters 2015안산밸리락페스티벌 셋째날 푸파이터스

Actually, when I heard about Dave's injury, I suspected about Foo Fighter's visit in Korea.
I heard about Foo Fighter's stage (The throne) in America. However I can't imagine they will bring the throne to Asia.
They bring the throne to Korea! Amazing!
I thought if Dave sit and play the guitar, it won't be energetic than before.
However my opinion is totally wrong.
He is still powerful...!!!
사실 데이브그롤의 사고 소식을 듣고 과연 푸파의 첫 내한이 이뤄질까 의심을 했다
미국 공연의 왕좌 소식도 들었었다...하지만 그 왕좌를 아시아 공연까지 가져 올까 생각 했었다
근데 그 왕좌를 고대로 한국으로 가져왔다...!
의자에 앉은 데이브그롤의 공연이 과연 평소의 푸파 공연만큼 흥이 날까 생각했는데...
큰 오산이었다
데이브그롤은 여전히 파워풀했다 ㄷㄷㄷ

In the last comment, Dave said
"I have a question for you.
If we come to Korea again, will you come back?"
Anyway the audience screamed, and Dave said "See you next time!"
I reminded something.
Few years ago, Foo Fighters had scheduled in Japan.
I expect for Foo Fighters's first visit in Korea, however no one contact to Foo Fighters.
I knew it because Korea music industry is small so it is hard to promote rock band.
Only few band gather the people when they have a concert in Korea.
So I am not sure Foo Fighters's popularity in Korea.
Anyway, in the festival, Foo Fighters's popularity is so great.
I really really want to see Foo Fighters again in Korea.
마지막 멘트에서 데이브그롤이 하나만 물어보겠다며...
우리가 만약 다시 온다면 당신들 공연 올꺼냐고 묻더라...
일단 관객들은 다들 함성을 질렀고...
데이브그롤은 담에 다시 보자고 했다...
이때 생각나는게...
푸파의 Wasting light 앨범 투어때였나? 아무튼 일본 스케줄이 쫘악 잡혔지만 한국 내한 소식은 없었는데...
역시 푸파 단독 내한은 무리였나 하는 생각이 들었다...
푸파 내한하면 얼마나 사람이 올까 싶어서...
아무튼 페스티벌에 오니까 사람은 무지 많더라...
과연 푸파가 다음에 다시 내한한다면 얼마나 많은 사람들이 올까 싶지만...
그래도 푸파 다시 보고 싶다 ㅜㅜ

20150724 Ansan Valley Rock Festival in Ansan,Korea Day 1 Deadmau5 2015안산밸리락페스티벌 첫째날 데드마우스

Deadmau5 mask appears again! haha
역시나 이번에도 등장한 데드마우스 가면들 ㅎㅎㅎ

This is Deadmau5's 2nd visit in Korea.
In this stage, he turn on the music that issued after his first visit in Korea.
In his first stage in Korea, it was really energetic than before.
This year's stage was pretty good, too. The atmosphere was little calm but energetic.
In the first visit, the atmosphere was heated up and hot. Even the femail singer who featured 'Sofi Needs a ladder' appeared the stage and Deadmau5 danced with her.
This stage, he played his hit song calmly.

Deadmau5 first visit in Korea

첫 내한 이후 발표한 곡들이 주로 많이 나왔음
첫 내한은 단독이다 보니 더 방방 뛰는 분위기였던거 같은데
이번에는 차분히 무대 진행을 한 느낌...
첫내한때는 Sofi Needs a ladder 피쳐링한 여가수까지 등장해서 분위기가 제대로 달아오르고 발랄한 분위기였다면 (이때 데드마우스는 무대에서 춤까지 췄음) 안산은 차분히 곡들을 진행한 느낌

데드마우스 첫내한 포스트

2015년 7월 23일 목요일

20150722 K-League FA Cup FC Seoul VS Pohang Steelers K리그 FA컵 FC서울 VS 포항스틸러스

It was FC Seoul's revenge!
Park Choo-Young gets two goals...!
Korea National Football team Coach Stielike came to Seoul Sangam Stadium. Is he knew it?
FC 서울의 복수전이 되 버렸네 ㅎㅎㅎ
게다가 박주영이 2골 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
슈틸리케 감독님 오신거 알고 넣었나요.....................ㅋ

2015년 7월 19일 일요일

Cafe Mamas, Mokdong, Seoul, Korea 카페마마스 목동점

지도 크게 보기

My favorite menues in this cafe are green grape juice and potato soup.
There are another branches in Seoul.
My ex-job's senior recommended this cafe to me.
여기선 청포도쥬스랑 감자수프를 제일 좋아함
여기 외에도 체인점으로 운영 되고 있어서 다른 지점들도 있음
예전 회사 후배가 추천 해 줘서 자주 가게 된 카페

Polish Art: An Enduring Spirit - National Museum Of Korea, Seoul, Korea 폴란드, 천년의 예술 - 국립중앙박물관

If you are interested in Polish Art, it is good to see this exhibition.
This museum concerned a lot about the garden and architecture, which spent by people's tax.
폴란드의 예술에 관심이 많다면 한번쯤 보러 가도 좋을듯...
주위 조경과 건축에 상당히 신경을 많이 쓴 듯 하다...
그게 다 국민 세금이겠지만...