2016년 11월 19일 토요일

20161118 Honne Concert in Yes24 Live hall, Seoul, South Korea 혼네 내한공연

인상 깊었던게 노래의 가사를 전광판에 보여줘서 가사를 모르는 사람들도 따라 부를 수 있도록 보여줬다 정말 좋았음
They showed us their lyrics on the screen so the people who don't know their song can sing along with them. It was very impressive. I think it was very good.

Friend of mine recommend me this artist. The songs are pretty good so I decided to go to the concert.
Buying ticket was so hard.It was unexpected and I was confuesed.
Nevertheless all songs were not my whole type,the concert was calm and atmospheric so it was pretty good.

I think the sponsor company spent lots of money.
The panel and booth were big and splendid.
They sold cocktails with Honne's song name.
(Why they didn't sell beers in 5 night?)

After the concert, I have a question about this concert.
There were many concerts in Korea like Honne's style.
Why only this concert has many people?
Does Honne's song appear Korea CM or Does some Korea boyband or celebrity speak about Honne?
During the concert, the shouts were just like Korea boyband's concert's shout so I had a doubt.

지인의 추천으로 알게 된 아티스트인데 노래들이 꽤 괜찮아서 콘서트를 보러 가기까지 함
티켓팅이 너무 빡세서 의외였고 당황
공연이 전체적으로 잔잔하고 분위기 있어서 괜찮았다 확 취저까지는 아니지만

공연 스폰서가 빵빵했는데 홍보 판넬들과 부스가 화려함
혼네 노래 제목으로 칵테일도 팔고 있었음
(5 night때나 술 좀 팔지 ㅠㅠ)

근데 공연 보고 나서 든 의문인데
Fake Virgin에서도 Honne와 비슷한 류의 아티스트 내한을 엄청나게 했었는데
유독 Honne 만 이렇게 인기 많은 이유가 뭐지?
국내 CF에 노래라도 실린걸까 아니면 연예인들이 인증이라도 한걸까
공연 중간에 떼창과 함성들이 꼭 아이돌 공연장에서 자주 듣는 톤의 소리라 의문이 들었다

Password : honnekr02

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